Up to 37% of patients admitted to the ICU experience fecal incontinence1 during their hospital stay. A serious threat to patients, fecal incontinence also poses a significant challenge to hospitals to tackle. That's why our clinicians, engineers and designers collaborated with ICU nurses to develop the innovative Flexi-Seal™ PROTECT PLUS Fecal Management System.
In this video, ICU Nurse Specialist Helle Dybdahl from Denmark explains the benefits of Flexi-Seal™ PROTECT PLUS Fecal Management System:

References :
- Bayón García, Cristina & Binks, Rachel & De Luca, Enrico & Dierkes, Christine & Franci, Andrea & Gallart, Elisabet & Niederalt, Georg & Wyncoll, Duncan. (2012). Prevalence, management and clinical challenges associated with acute faecal incontinence in the ICU and critical care settings: The FIRSTTM cross-sectional descriptive survey. Intensive & critical care nursing: the official journal of the British Association of Critical Care Nurses. 28. 242-50.