Malaga will host the XLVIII National Congress of the SEEIUC on 04. June – 07. June 2023. We are committed to continuing to improve the scientific knowledge of nursing professionals who are dedicated to the care of patients and to share those practices.
Convatec representative, Santiago Bicand, will be present with a stand where he will demonstrate our fecal management system Flexi-Seal™ Protect Plus and explain how the product can help reduce the risk of spread of infection.
Flexi-Seal™ PROTECT PLUS Fecal Management System is an indwelling fecal management catheter intended for use to manage fecal incontinence through the collection of liquid to semi-liquid stool and to provide access to administer medications. Flexi-Seal™ PROTECT PLUS is engineered with understanding and simple to use.
Learn more about Flexi-Seal™ PROTECT PLUS in this video:

Interested in learning more about infections and how to help control them? Then you should join this event. See you in Malaga!